About Us

We are a family owned and operated lock shop. The whole family can be seen from time to time at the store. We have one employee that is not actually related at this time. De and Gail started De's Key Service in 1984 after working a few years with his father in law Herman Cevering the owner of A-1 Key Service. We have been in 4 locations all on Washington Blvd. We all enjoy what we do and enjoy the customer relation ships that we have. On of the stores slogans is " We have everything if we can find it". Some stores in the area call us the Smith and Edwards of Locksmithing. Each of us have a special area in locksmithing that we can be considered as our specialty.
We strive to keep up to date on the latest technology. We train in classes about once a year with other forms of teaching threw out the year. De in a CML ( Certified Master Locksmith) and took many test to accomplish that title, he is also GSA ( Government )approved to work on secured locks. Nate is a RL ( Registered Locksmith) and has also taken test to receive this title. All other technicians in our store are trained hands on by these men.