Friday, October 19, 2012

Safes for Sale

$ 5000.00 on Sale for $4750.00

$4000.00 on sale for 3750.00

$650.00 on Sale for $600.00    32 11/16" x 2' x 29 9/16"

Above is the before Picture and Below is the safe now
Jewelry Safe $750.00 on Sale for $ 650.00    54 5/8" x 29 1/8" x 24 1/8"

$ 325.00 on sale for $300.00 this one works with keypad or key

We will take offers on all safes. Price does not include tax or delivery. Call for more information on any Safe

Monday, September 10, 2012


Fall is approaching fast before we know it the New Year will be her. Is your business and home secure for the holiday season? Ask your self.

* Do I know who has keys to my place?
* Are my locks working properly?
* How easy would it be for someone to break into my store?
* Is there something more secure for me?

We can answer any of the questions that you might have about any of your answers to the questions above. Just call or stop by and talk to anyone we can all answer them.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Come Visit us at our new Location.
 3872 Washington Blvd. South Ogden UT 84405
Open Monday - Friday 9:00 to 5:30
Mention our blog and receive a 2.00 off

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


We are moving
New Location 
3872 Washington Blvd
S.Ogden UT 84403
right across from McDonalds
Opening June 11th at 9:00 am
before that time we will be open at old location
3715 Washington Blvd.
S.Ogden UT

Look for Sales and Specials